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Navigating the Teenage Brain
Raising a teenager can be an adventure, to say the least. It's no secret that teenage brains are wired differently from those of adults....

5 Tips to Manage Christmas Meltdowns
It is nearly here – the Wonderful Christmas time! School concerts and assemblies, Christmas songs and decorations everywhere you go,...

Taming Tweens: Tips for Dealing with 11-13 Year Olds
Do you have a tween? A person who is not yet a teenager nor still the little sweet child they once were. Mood swings, bursts of anger,...

Supporting Your Child's Mental Health
October is Depression and Mental Health Awareness Month and October 10th is WHO World Mental Health Day, so I want to share a few tips as...

Dealing with Mom Fears
A long time ago I was fearless. I could swim past the buoys and enjoy the corals of the Red Sea, I could parachute from a plane and...

Modeling Healthy Responses to Stress
Hi parents, We all have been stuck on an emotional roller coaster over the past couple of years. The world keeps throwing up more and...

Myths About Punishment and What to Do Instead (Part 2)
In the previous article I wrote about the myths that surround the need for punishment, whether emotional (ignoring, grounding, or...

Myths About Punishment and What to Do Instead (Part 1)
Psychologists and developmental specialists unanimously agree that punishment is detrimental to a child's development. We’ve all heard...

Are you an Emotion Dismissing or an Emotion Coaching parent?
We used to think that IQ was a deciding factor in how a child would fare in adulthood. However, many years of research and studies have...

Using Family Meetings as a Positive Parenting Tool
Are family meetings a regular part of the routine at your house? Family meetings can be such a positive part of family life, and can have...

How to Stay Connected with Family Overseas
In these days of COVID-19 travel restrictions, quarantines and lockdowns, many of us have found it difficult or impossible to travel and...

How to Help Your Kids Make Friends
One of the crucial components of friendly relations between people is attachment, to which the famous psychologist J. Bowlby devoted his...

My Favourite Parenting Books
When my oldest children were very young I remember moving to a new country, leaving behind everyone who was helping me with my kids and...

What to do with rebel children? 8 great tips for tired parents
What to do with rebel children? 8 great tips for tired parents Rebel children come to teach us about interaction and cooperation (and...

Saying goodbyes to little ones
Today I want to talk about how mom can say goodbye to her very young children when she needs to leave them for a short time. Maybe mom is...

Who do you love more, Mom?
“Mom, who do you love more?”
I paused for a second and a rule of child psychology came to my mind - never say "I love you all the same."
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